Sunday was our first day at any of the Disney parks. We decided to go to Hollywood Studios. We arrived at around 8:30 and got in line for the opening ceremony. We then walked very fast to Toy Story Mania. The kids all really enjoyed this ride and kept asking all day to go back but the wait was never shorter than 90 minutes. Great ride, but not THAT great! When rode several more rides and went to the Indiana Jones Stunt Show. The boys really loved this show and have been pretending to be Indiana Jones all day. Before we left for the day we caught the High School Musical 2 street show. Karson loved it and she even got to dance with the characters onece. We left the park around lunch time and rested and unpacked in our room. Around 4pm we headed back to the park and had a wonderful Italian dinner at Mama Melrose's. After dinner we rode a few more rides and went to watch Fantasmic. This was our first time seeing this show because last year I thought that it may have been to scary for the kids, but it was really not. They loved it! On the way out to the bus stop Zachary was so tired that he fell asleep riding in the stroller. I had to carry him on the bus and all the way to the room. He slept all night and we had to wake him the next morning to leave again.
"Dad" looks the shirts!! :)
Brandon said the same thing about "Dad".
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