Last week at school Ms. Sophie's (Zach's teacher) came up to me and asked, Do you know who Zach is going to marry? I of course said yes I already know BRYNN!! For the past 2 years Zachary and Brynn have been planning on getting married. I thought that it was just a phase and he would soon move on to something or someone else, but two years later it is only getting worse. Everyday ( I am not exaggerating) at some point during the day he informs me that he is going to marry Brynn, and when they get married her name will be Brynn Martin. While we were shopping last week he asked Jamie how old he had to be to get married and he told him 26, so he announced to the entire store that when he turned 26 he was going to marry Brynn and that she was going to have a baby in her tummy. Needless to say I could have crawled under a rack. People looked at me like who would teach their child this. Here is another example from dinner last Saturday night:
Brynn to her mom: "Mom, Zachary won't give me hug"
Zachary to Brynn's mom: "I don't want to hug her I just want to marry her!!"
Zachary to waiter: "I would like chicken nuggets and french fries for 2"
On Saturday night we went bowling with the Laneys, Waddells, and the Harrison's. We went to Paradise Lanes with 4 adults and 9 children. All the men stayed at Tracy's house to watch football. Before we went bowling we also took all the children to eat by ourselves while the men went to Chief's. We went to Denny's since it was kids eat free and we were there for 1 1/2 hours. I am sure they were ready to see us leave. All the kids got face paintings there before we left. Everyone except Brynn got a tiger face just in different colors. Brynn told the guy she wanted a unicorn and we are still not sure what she got. But she was convinced that she had a unicorn, so we just let her be. At the bowling alley we had a great time. It is pretty sad when a four year old, Braeden, almost beats all of the adults and he did wind up beating one of us!! I can't wait until the guys return the favor and we get to have a girl's night. I just hope it is sooner rather than later.
I was so excited when I woke up this morning and I thought about it being the first day of fall. I love love love FALL!! It is my favorite season of the year. I love the colors of the leaves as they fall, the art projects that you can do in your class, the cool weather,football and Halloween!! I am ready to pull the new clothes out and really enjoy fall, but mother nature has better things in mind. I can not believe that it was 80 degrees today. I can only hope that the real fall weather is not far behind!!
With tomorrow being Grandparent's Day and Monday being Jamie's grandmother's birthday we decided that we needed to get some flowers to go on her grave. For those of you who don't know Jamie's grandmother who lived with us and we took care of for three years passed away in March after having a very serious stroke. Anyway on the way home from eating dinner tonight we went by the graveyard and Zachary wanted to stop at Grandma's "cradle", (that is what he calls her grave), so we did. We we got there he wanted to know when we could bring her some flowers, and we said maybe tomorrow. We then went to Hobby Lobby to see if we could find a pretty arrangement to put on her grave. She doesn't have a headstone yet so there is no flower holder. While we were at Hobby Lobby all the premade arrangements were so expensive that I decided I would try and arrange my own thing. I have never attempted anything like this before so I was clueless, but for $18 dollars you have to see what I made. Jamie and I were both shocked at how good it looked. I am now thinking I should make a center piece for my table. What do you think?
I can't believe we have been back three weeks and I have not finished my Disney post. The day after we got home I helped my two friends with the consignment sale at our church, and then the next week I went back to work.So here is my final Disney post because I have to start preparing for our next trip Spring Break 09!!
This was our last day at Disney and we were all exhausted. We had a lot scheduled today and we decided last night that we were probably not going to do all that we had originally planned to. We had breakfast reservations at one of our favorite places Chef Mickey's. The kids had been talking about eating with Mickey all week. The also were excited about riding the monorail to get to the restaurant. Our reservation was not until 10am so we got to sleep in a little while longer than the rest of the week. During breakfast they play a song and all the characters and kids get to twirl their napkins in the air. All the characters come around to your table for pictures, but this is a buffet type place so we would run to the buffet and run back so that we would not miss any characters. After breakfast we rode on the monorail for awhile because the kids loved it. After we got back to our room we let the kids choose to go swimming all afternoon, or go back to Magic Kingdom and watch the night time parade and fireworks show. The vote was unanimous for staying and swimming at the hotel. I packed up all of our luggage while the kids watched tv and then we headed to the pool. I was so happy that they choose to stay even though the parade was my favorite part last year. I was pooped!!!