We stayed up way to late talking and got up very early the next morning (except Brandon). Aren't you supposed to sleep in when you go on vacation with no kids? Around Lunchtime on Friday we left to eat lunch and go to Adventure Quest. This place was awesome with a mirror maze, blacklight golf, and a lasor challenge.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Gatlinburg with friends and no KIDS!!
During the summer while we were swimming at the Tracy's pool she asked Summer L, Rhonda, and I if we would like to go to Gatlinburg in January with no kids. We all thought that it was a great idea, but we were not sure if we would be able to work out babysitters. After Christmas we all got the plans in line for our sitters and we were all going!! I couldn't wait, I was counting down the days. Jamie and I have not been on a trip without children since before I had Zachary. We left as soon as everyone was dropped off on Thursday afternoon. Karson went home with a friend from school, Andrew went to Aunt G's house, and Zachary was all by himself at my mom's. Karson would be joining Aunt G later on that evening. Anyways Summer and Brandon picked us up around 2pm and we were off. I am not a big fan of riding with anyone else, because I like to be the one doing the driving but Brandon did a great job and only scared my once or twice in the mountains with snow on the ground. We arrived in Gatlinburg around 4:30pm but had to wait on Rhonda and Tracy to arrive so we went around getting ideas of stuff to do for the weekend and then we stopped at the Corningware place to get a pan for Nana, but ended up finding some good stuff for us also!! After Rhonda, Michael, Tracy, and Brad arrived we went to have dinner at an Italian place nearby. After dinner we returned to the house, put on our pj's, and the girls put a puzzle together, while the guys played wii. .JPG)
We stayed up way to late talking and got up very early the next morning (except Brandon). Aren't you supposed to sleep in when you go on vacation with no kids? Around Lunchtime on Friday we left to eat lunch and go to Adventure Quest. This place was awesome with a mirror maze, blacklight golf, and a lasor challenge..JPG)
Brandon had been talking all day about skydiving so we stopped at the indoor skydiviing place and watched but he decided that $30 was too much!! We then parked in Gatlinburg and walked around. I don't know what we were thinking because it was cold, cold, cold!! We had to go in every other store just to stay warm, and when we say a frozen fountain we decided to go eat dinner and go to the house. We had dinner at a BBQ place, and returned to the house to play Catch Pharse..JPG)
I had never played before but it was great fun!! Again we stayed up to late and got up way to early again on Saturday but Tracy made it okay by fixing us breakfast. Again we lounged around until lunch and left to go eat at Krystal's (aka the laxative burger), then we spent the rest of the afternoon shopping..JPG)
It was so much better without kids to take in and out of stores and strollers to push in between isles. After shopping we found some taffy and went to play Lasor Tag. Jamie beat all of us!! When then went to have dinner at TGIF's. It was great. We returned to our house one last time to play Phase 10!!.JPG)
On Sunday morning we got up and went to the Apple Barn for breakfast and more shoppping and returned home to our children, who were very happy to see us. We had so much fun and made some great memories together. To quote Tracy "we had too much fun, too much food, too much cold, and too little sleep! Wouldn't trade it for anything!"
We stayed up way to late talking and got up very early the next morning (except Brandon). Aren't you supposed to sleep in when you go on vacation with no kids? Around Lunchtime on Friday we left to eat lunch and go to Adventure Quest. This place was awesome with a mirror maze, blacklight golf, and a lasor challenge.
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I am your first comment! Yippee! I love the run down of all we did and I'm a little bit proud we all took the plunge and went for the long weekend! Go us!
Can't wait til we do it again!
oh! I forgot! You are so funny! hehe!
A weekend without kids is so nice!!! I'm glad you and Jamie had a good time.
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